I am a magazine junkie and I love to have books around me all the time. Last week, mum and I went to Ikea and bought this pretty pink box to organise my magazines and stuffs next to my bedside table. I need to clear more old magazines and sell them to the karang guni uncle and tell myself not to buy another more.. but.. I always fail to do so (Ha!).
And on the left of the picture, there's a stack of books from the library and 4 on loan from Ron. I'm pretty slow at reading this month as I'm occupied by other stuffs, mainly TV series and DVDs and shopping (!).
I hope to up my total no. of books this year to 70. Managed to read around 66 books last year and it's an improvement from 2008. I noticed that I tend to read more books in the middle part of the year. I hope to read some Non Fiction as well, though I tend to get bored after awhile. Reading is good for my brain and it's one of the medium that can take you to another continent, another era and to the world of imaginations (kind of like TV), but it encourages innovation and spurs one to think further and reflect on our lives and hope and be encouraged that things are more than what is seen usually. It brings you to the world where no one would laugh at you when you believe fairies or a different world existed, or there's a thing known as fairy powder or strength and belief in self would over come all adversity.
Life is good when you stay away from cynical people.
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