Between January 1 and December 31, 2011, read one book in each of the following categories:
- A book with a number in the title: First to Die, Seven Up, Thirteen Reasons Why
- A book with jewelry or a gem in the title: Diamond Ruby, Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Opal Deception
- A book with a size in the title: Wide Sargasso Sea, Small Wars, Little Bee
- A book with travel or movement in the title: Dead Witch Walking, Crawling with Zombies, Time Traveler's Wife
- A book with evil in the title: Bad Marie, Fallen, Wicked Lovely
- A book with a life stage in the title: No Country for Old Men, Brideshead Revisited, Bog Child
Other Things to Know
- Books may be any form (audio, print, e-book).
- Books may overlap other challenges.
- Books may not overlap categories; you need a different book for each category.
- Creativity for matching the categories is not only allowed but encouraged.
- You do not have to make a list of books before hand.
- You do not have to read through the categories in any particular order.
One thing we all have in common is the need to eat food. Some of us also have a strong need/desire to read about food. I’m one of them, are you? Such people are known as Foodies – people who love to talk, read, watch food tv, or anything else with a food theme.
If that description fits you, I invite you to join me in the Foodie’s Reading Challenge for 2011. Together we’ll explore the world of good food writing. That may take the form of a cookbook or a biography or even a novel centered around food. (See the definition for a food book in the right sidebar.)
Here’s how it works:
1. Decide how many food books you want to read in 2011 and choose your level of reading. Keep in mind this is a challenge – a throw-down. Go a bit beyond what you think you can really do. Levels:
- Nibbler: 1 to 3 books
- Bon Vivant: 4 to 6 books
- Epicurean: 7 to 9 books
- Gourmet: 10 to 12
- Glutton: More than 12
2. Grab the challenge button and write a post on your blog so we can spread the word. No blog? That’s okay. Sign up in the comments section.
3. As you read each book for the challenge, come back here and tell us about it. On January 1st I’ll provide pages so you can post links for your reviews. Non-bloggers will use the comment section.
- You don’t need a pre-selected list of books.
- Crossing over with other challenges is fine.
- Any book format is allowed (print, audio, ebook)
To encourage you to return here and tell us what you read, there will be a prize at the end of each quarter. I’ll use Random.org to select from all the books you tell us about. Each book read will be one more chance to win.
Sign Up Here: Sign in using Mr. Linky below. Put your name or blog name on the first line and your blog address on the second line. Non-bloggers will use the comment section.
- Timeline: 01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011
- Rules: To read TWELVE (12) mystery & suspense novels in 2011 (12 is the minimum but you can read more if you wish!)
- You don't have to select your books ahead of time, you can just add them as you go. Also if you do list them upfront you can change them, nothing is set in stone! The books you choose can crossover into other challenges you have on the go.
- You can join anytime between now and the later part of next year.
- At the beginning of Jan 2011, you will find a link to specific month to add your reviews. There will be a monthly prize too courtesy of the lovely Simon & Schuster - you must be signed up to the challenge and add the link to your review to be entered into the monthly prize draw.
- Timeline: 01 Jan 2011 - 31 Dec 2011
- Rules - Read 100 or more books in 2011
- All books can crossover into other challenges you have on the go. Only print books and ebooks count (no audiobooks).
- You can join anytime between now and the later part of next year.
- At the beginning of Jan 2011, I will add a link so you can add your reviews but this is not obligatory.
- You don't have to have a blog to join in - for those without a blog just FILL IN THIS FORM and I will add you to the list - just join the discussion in the comments section to let us know when you've read a book and what you thought of it! :)
- You can also follow each other's progress and chat about the VC books you read on twitter too - just use #100BooksInAYear :)
Thanks so much for joining in on the Foodie's Reading Challenge. I'm looking forward to seeing what you read and your thoughts. Good luck with all your challenges.
ReplyDeleteThank you Margot!
ReplyDeleteI hope you will have fun with your challenges and readings in 2011!